I haven't played 'Destiny' in quite some time, so I had to level up my Guardian to around 26 over the weekend in order to feel comfortable taking on 'House of Wolves.' But once it released, I went head first into its story missions. The 'House of Wolves' expansion is made up of a new social space called the Vestian Outpost within The Reef, new story missions, four new Crucible maps, a new Crucible elimination gametype called Trials of Osiris, a new Strike and a new co-op arena activity called Prison of Elders. But as Guardians are now once bitten, twice shy, we take a step back into the Traveler's Light to take on 'House of Wolves' so we may earn the riches and favor of The Queen. Based on all of the information Bungie revealed over the past few weeks, it appears to be the experience we all were hoping the first expansion would be.
The galaxy-expanding adventure we all thought Bungie would take us on in 'The Dark Below' never happened. The lead up to the release of the 'Destiny: House of Wolves' expansion was met with mostly cautious excitement, considering 'The Dark Below' felt like it was a tacked on experience to the original game.